neon Works

I felt a strong urge to experiment after working intensively on Dyst-Utopia Works, which both technically and content-wise had a strong form and idea. I wanted to let go of control a bit and try out some of Fresco’s aquarelle live brushes.

These brushes can be regulated if you want to work with a lot of water or with dry watercolor. I tried working with a lot of water so that the color could partly control itself and form its own patterns.

The digital watercolor is more similar to gouache in that it is more welcoming to paint light color on top of dark. I have worked with both techniques, sometimes with thin layers of paint where the “paper” shines through, but also with light colors on top of dark ones.

I also wanted to fully test the contrast of neon colors against umber tones, and discovered that it formed a kind of harmony of its own. The result of this experiment was a more diverse collection. 

However, it is important to be able to feel free as an artist. To experiment and test new methods in order to develop and find new expressions.

It is through a certain boldness that the most exciting works of art come to life.

follow the whole process on instagram

See it from the beginning!

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